One of my last weekend's in Taunton was spent taking advantage of the beautiful weather that came out of nowhere. A gem of a day among the rain and snow filled days either side. It was enjoyed with Joanna in the fields of Trull/Taunton.
Such a beautiful place. Such an interesting person. Such a memorable afternoon. One that I'll hold close to me for a long while. All I can say of Joanna is less is more; we could chat all day, but somehow the silence between conversations is as if not more comfortable than the quick and intriguing to and fro we could be having. The silence holds greater value than the words that could be exchanged. Just the thought of saying goodbye when I left Taunton, (even though its only 'see you soon') overwhelmed me.
The route we ran for x-country each week with the younger kids was, as you can see, partially pretty.
It was certainly a challenge trying to get a good, natural portrait of Joanna, but see below :)
This here: why I'll miss Taunton/Somerset so much.
the last portrait is so perfect ahhhhhh. that light on her hair? you're fantastic mister defina