“Urgh, I hate Mondays... Back to my dull job then... I really want to go travelling but it’s too hard...Why is my life so boring...?”
Common phrases we hear or say every day. These are words that reflect a day to day life we regret to be living. Somehow we reach the point where these thoughts constantly flow from within, conflicting with our real desires. Yet despite all this, only a minority of us pioneer to change our current situation to one that we would prefer; towards the life we at least dream of living.
Why are people bored by the norm yet they don’t want to or feel incapable of changing it? People are creatures of habit. We like routine and so do our bodies. It’s natural. Humans are still animals though and while evolution has made our way of living unprecedentedly civilised, we are still beings of the earth.
Keeping this in mind, does it seem natural for us to work in metal boxes from 9am till 5pm everyday for the greater part of our most healthy and youthful years? The modern day theory of affluenza explains that our work rate is increasing simply so we can have that new plasma or car, to overall contribute to our social status. This apparently explains the phenomenon we call a job.
Yes, we must work to earn money and therefore provide ourselves with the necessities of life: food, water and shelter. Beyond these basic living requirements though it seems our focus in 21st century life has adjusted to revolve around climbing the social ladder. Herein lies the problem of our reluctance to change; society.
Society operates by accepting those that don’t challenge its values and proprieties; they fit in and contribute. Life is much easier to pass by within this cocoon of people, with emergency services, clubs and a general community that looks out for one another. That people will do what they can to remain included in their society can, however, undermine their personal ambitions.
Despite the conclusion that one’s individual pursuits are hindered by society and our efforts to conform to its predilections, humans will always be their own entity. Therefore, the extent to which they allow society to affect them is entirely in their control. That people are bored by the norm yet don’t want to change arises from the fact that humans feel more comfortable within their community. Hence, when one changes ones behaviour, those around them will be affected as well. Disrupting others day-to-day lives even if it is for the better, would not be looked upon kindly by society as it is adjusting the routine to which they are well accustomed.
Ultimately, a human’s self-induced accountability to their friends and family within their society can hinder their decisions. They can of course have the opposite effect and encourage one towards positive choices but inevitably the extent to which this affects one’s choices depends on the relationship with those in their society. Either way, if one can achieve freedom from, that is being free from the restraints of society, religion and politics they must then take the tougher step of learning to live a life defined by freedom for, a life based on freedom for themselves and doing the things they truly want to do. Freedom from is of no value if one cannot achieve freedom for.
Actively being a part of society is undoubtedly a good quality amongst humans. The benefits of a sense of togetherness created through a community are certainly positive, however, when one allows societal values such as politics and religion to affect their personal ambitions this can become a negative result for the individual.
While one must maintain a mutual respect with society and its members, they must also not forget the responsibility they have to their own personal ambitions. The Earth and its inhabitants are here to be enjoyed and it would be a great shame and a waste if we are constantly ‘sitting on the sidelines’ and watching time and our youth go by. Life, living, breathing, nature, people, the world and ones true passion are all seemingly part of the change we aren’t prepared to make. Let the things one truly values in life appear regularly and not be the change you may spend your whole life dreaming of.
Wow Matt, im surprised I'm the first to comment this. Very thoughtful.